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A dive into the range of health problems that are caused and worsened by homelessness, and the types of resources that are needed to combat them.

How Benilde Hall's Safe Haven Program and the Housing First Approach Combat Veteran Homelessness

An overview of DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and how it's use at Benilde Hall helps clients become more mindful and aware of their emotions.

Learn why our Board Chair, Mark Mullinix, is committed to giving back to the Kansas City community as an advocate and supporter of Benilde Hall.

Interview with Benilde Hall program graduate, Adolph, who shares about his upbringing, his battle with substance use disorder and his journey to recovery and loving himself.

Interview with Dwayne, a client of Benilde Hall who is about to move into his new apartment and pursue his passions of art and cooking.

Learn more about the history behind Benilde Hall's name.

PTSD Awareness Day: How Benilde Hall Provides Support for Veterans with PTSD